Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not Your Usual Day at Work

My co-workers pulled a fast one on me...they got me good! Little did I know a lot of sneaky behavior was being conducted behind my back. My co-workers (who are also some of my dear friends) threw me a surprise baby shower completed with lots of food, games, gifts and cake! The scene: my one co worker, Jolynn, asked me to meet with her to discuss some events we have been working on since February. While I met with her (across campus), the plot/surprise shower was unfolding in our conference room. Several of my co workers from my department decorated the room, brought in food, gifts and even red velvet cake (my favorite!) We even played the game "how big is Kristin's belly" where they had to cut ribbon of how "wide" they thought I of my male senior officers actually won!

Some funny "behind the scenes moments" leading up to the shower....

Jolynn, the co-worker who met with me prior to the shower, had called over to our offices to inform them I was on my way back to my office. During this time, about 20+ people were in the conference room hiding with the door closed and the lights off. When I walked down the hall to my office, my co worker Jessie told me that we were allowed to eat the leftovers from an earlier meeting in the conference room (not uncommon for us), but I wasn't really hungry. "No, thanks," I said. So there I sat- in my office, checking emailing, making a bathroom trip all while my poor students and co workers were still hiding out in the conference room in the dark. From where my office was positioned, they could see me, but I couldn't see them. While I was in the bathroom, Jolynn, drove over so she could be there for the party. Since I was still in the bathroom, she didn't want to blow the surprise and ended up hiding under Jessie's desk to wait it out as Jessie sat there trying to play it cool when I went into her office to chat. The things we do for friends! Jessie finnnalllly got me to go into the conference room where I was greeted by some hungry and very patient co workers!

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