Poor #3... not a single blog post devoted to my pregnancy progression.
I will try to get caught up....
As of today, I am 28 weeks and feeling AMAZING. I will try to rewind the clock some to my first and second trimesters....
July 15, 2015
I found out I was pregnant actually at work (keeping it classy I know... bahaha). I took a pregnancy test in my work bathroom right before lunch. I was starting to feel symptoms and the suspense was killing me. Word to the wise... do not buy a cheap/store brand pregnancy test! The test showed "some" of a + sign... but it was very faint. Back out I went and invested in the real stuff. Both tests confirmed + signs. I was over the moon! Rob and I said all along we wanted 3-4 kids so this was a true blessing!
I told Rob later that night (while AP was at dance lessons). AP can be very chatty and we know better to let her in on this huge secret.
First trimester was AWFUL. In comparison to all three pregnancies, this one gets the award for the worst. AP was #2 and B was #3. The nauseousness never.ever.ended. I never threw up, but felt nauseous every second of the day from the moment I found out I was pregnant until about 20/22 weeks. I ended up asking my Doctor for anti-nauseousness medication which made things a bit more tolerable.
Early week food cravings... CARBS! I basically ate my feelings and didn't care. Grilled cheese, chicken salad, pizza, french onion soups, tacos, you name it... I ate it! I couldn't even look at salads (something I literally ate every night for dinner before I was pregnant).
Rob was amazing and basically spent the summer/early fall as single Dad some nights. I was in survival mode and couldn't do a lot after work.
Second Trimester
By 14 weeks, I was anxiously counting down for me to feel better. That was the magical number for AP and B. 14 weeks came and went, along with 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21. AWFUL! My energy was low and it turned out I was also anemic. Once I took iron supplements, I noticed my energy increased.
Fast forward to present day and I am a NUT. I literally spend hours cleaning and organizing the house. I feel 100% back to myself - praise God!
Boy vs Girl
From early on, my Mommy gut told me this was another girl. I think it was because I felt the same as the other pregnancies. We decided to do a big sister day again around 16 weeks and visit the same 3D place that gave us a sneak peak for B. For the 3D package, the tech literally spends 10 minutes confirming boy or girl. Needless to say I was floored when she told us BOY. I was in shock and literally bawled my eyes out at the appointment. BOY?!? What do I do with a boy?!? I was also hormonal and cried the entire drive home. I cried because I was shocked, then I cried because I was sad that he could hear me, and then I cried thinking about my first dance at his wedding...I was a hot mess train for sure.
At week 19, imagine our surprise when we went to our real appointment. The tech spent over an hour checking out baby boy. Towards the end of the appointment she asked if we wanted to know what we were having. Suuurreee go ahead, tell us (we agreed to act surprised). She told us that based on what she was seeing, she was confident she was seeing girl parts. I'm sorry, WHAT?!?
I asked her to please make sure she definitely saw girl parts...which she confirmed she definitely saw.
I then told her our 3D story and she just shook her head. Apparently, we were the fourth couple she met recently that happened to. I ended up calling the 3D place and telling them my Doctor said girl.
They offered to do a "free re-check"... how nice of them (insert eye roll). I gladly took them up with their offer and went later that night after work for a peace of mind. The new tech agreed with my Doctor and told me that the tech who I had a few weeks prior was still in training and saw her cord... oh how lovely!
Yes, we have a name selected, but we are not sharing until she is here. The only clue is that her first name will begin with C and middle name will begin with L.
Other fun facts!
a. Girls are over the moon they will have a little sis! They are so excited to meet sissy and B cuddles and gives my belly kisses. They will be fantastic big sisters so I'm not concerned. I think the only problem will be wanting to hold her constantly. They both love their baby dolls and I can see AP wanting to take over and not share with B.
b. Was Rob disappointed that it was a girl and not a boy? Surprisingly, Rob is thrilled that this is another girl. He went into everything feeling neutral and actually found the whole boy vs girl mix up to be funny. He was really ok with everything.
c. Will you go for "D"? I think D may = done for us. I think we are 70% done...but we will see.
d. How did you come up with the name? Believe it or not...I have had this name tucked in my head since AP was 6 months old. I was at Strasburg Farms and saw this girl with a back pack with this name on it. I mentioned it to Rob when I was pregnant with Brooklyn and I was floored that he loved it. He actually wanted to name Brooklyn this, but I felt more of a connection with "Brooklyn" when I was pregnant. After having A and B... it only seemed natural that we named her this.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
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ReplyDeleteFrom this post it sounds like you were either disappointed that it's a boy or were crying d/t shock it's a boy, but was really happy, though I feel it's the first one as it seems to me you favor girls (being honest here). Did you want a or would have loved a son at one point? Good thing Rob wasn't disappointed though. Congrats on your new little girl though. I'm going to guess you guys picked Charlotte for her, Idk why but it seems to flow well with Ashleigh and Brooklyn, but we'll see. Can't wait to see what you named her :)