Wednesday, February 20, 2013

22 Months

Interview with Ashleigh at 22 Months!

New words...
Please (sounds more like peas)
Night Night

Favorite Songs
The Wheels on the Bus
Itsy Bitsy Spider

Favorite Friend
Lady Bug (surprise surprise)

Favorite Moments
When I pick her up from school, she will literally shout MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY over and over...melts my heart! She now recognizes our house and when I pull into the driveway- she switches to DADDY DADDY DADDY and DOGGIES!

One night she got spooked and cried at 3AM for us. We let her sleep in our bed and she was a riot at 6AM. She would pinch my nose, shout doggies when Lexi jumped up on the bed and started whispering to me "Bus, Bus" which is my signal to sing her the Wheels on the Bus song.

Ashleigh is OBSESSED with her baby doll. If we even mention the word baby doll, she will run to the basement and try to open the door and will shout "Bobby, Bobby!" We can't wait to see her as a big sister. Every time we get something to prepare for Baby II, she will say, "Bobby, Bobby" which is her way of saying "Baby." She will literally play baby dolls for hours in the basement. She is a very good Mommy and will even pack up her tiny Vera Bradley purse or diaper bag and push her favorite doll around in the stroller.

Personality Traits
Ashleigh has split personalities. At home, she is crazy woman! She will have moments when she is full of energy and so happy and there are other times she will not listen and tell us 'no' when we ask her to do something. In public- totally different child! She is sooooo shy! I took her recently to her follow up ENT appointment for her ear tubes and she was so shy and refused to interact with another girl her age at the kids activity station. She only wanted to sit with me. She will quietly sit with her fingers in her mouth/holding Lady Bug and quietly observe the situation. I think she is in-between both personalities at her school.

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