Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Baby Schab II

Baby Schab II Updates.... (finally)

I heard with the second child, you don't document as much or things become an after thought. I never, ever thought I would be 'that Mom' to slack. Unfortunately, this has proven true with Baby Schab II. When I was pregnant with Ashleigh, I would take belly shots every month, document every appointment, every movement and post about every update. As I was scrolling through my blog, I noticed that posts on Baby Schab II have been non-existent.

June 28, 2012
Two weeks prior before taking a pregnancy test, I had a suspicion I was pregnant. I know most Doctors would say that is impossible, but I felt signs of pregnancy right away...nauseousness, headaches and my chest was killing me. On Thursday, June 28th I stopped at Giant to buy a pregnancy test on my way home from a work event. I knew I should have waited until at least the weekend to take it, but my curiosity was killing me! They tell you that you should let the test sit two minutes before you see results, but I literally saw two lines immediately. I couldn't believe how quick it showed a positive outcome. I quickly went downstairs to drink a glass of water so I could take the test again. Once again, within seconds, Test #2 appeared positive as well. Rob was downstairs making dinner with Ashleigh and I quickly pulled together a card and bear to surprise them both with the news!

First Ultra Sound
Rob and I had our first ultra sound around 8 weeks. It was a quick appointment and we were thrilled when we saw Baby Schab II on the screen with a healthy heartbeat.

How do I feel?
To be honest- I hated life the first 14 weeks I was pregnant. I literally mirrored every week of my first pregnancy. I thought we were having another girl for this reason (I did flip flop my guess after our first ultra sound to boy). From craving egg sandwiches from McDonald's every morning until 8 weeks, wanting to jump out my bedroom window at night due to the awful night-time nauseousness, I hated life. Chasing around a toddler full of energy made this pregnancy much different (and a bit more difficult as well). Rob was amazing, as usual, and would literally step in as the main care provider for AP. Currently at 30 weeks, I am happy to report that I feel really good and healthy.

12 Week Ultra Sound
I was much more emotional at my 12 week ultra sound than during my first pregnancy. I remember crying as soon as I got on the bed. I think seeing how much I love Ashleigh made me realize what a blessing having a baby is and I was just so excited and nervous to be at this crucial ultra sound. Our tech was amazing! She did a fabulous job and eased our nerves right away. :::Secret::: Nobody really knew this, but during the ultra sound I asked how early you can tell boy vs girl. Surprisingly the tech told us that she would give us her guess and asked if we wanted to know. Um hello?!? YES PLEASE! She said, well based on what I see right now, I'm pretty confident you are having another girl. She also told us that she has a 90% accuracy right. Rob and I both left the ultra sound and agreed to never, ever reveal this golden secret. We didn't want to get our hopes up or have people think we were crazy for knowing the 'potential' gender so incredibly early!

20 Week Ultra Sound and Gender Reveal- coming soon!

Other fun facts...

a. I passed my glucose test this time around...can I get an amen!?
b. Ashleigh can say the word 'baby' now and will sometimes say 'baby' and point to her own tummy.
c. She will make a fabulous big sister! She is 100% a girly girl and loves to hold her baby doll she got for Christmas and take her Lady Bug on stroller rides.

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