Monday, July 30, 2012

AP Turns 15 Months!

AP just had her 15 month check-up, find some updates below...

Weight: 19.4 lbs (5% tile)
Height: 30" (50%)

I just love, love this stage. Ashleigh is amazing and we are having such a fun summer with her! What a little personality she has! Favorite moments/developments so far:

a. She may not say a lot of words, but I feel she is understanding us a lot more. There are certain words or phrases we say and we love seeing her react. If we say, grab lady bug, she will search and walk over to grab him. If we say, go give the doggies a toy, she will walk over to their toy basket, grab a toy and walk it over to Lexi or Porscha.
b. She voices her opinion with us. Some mornings, she will scream/cry when I try to change her diaper or outfit. At first, I thought something was terribly wrong, but it turns out, if she is not ready to get up, she will let you know it.
c. A new game that we started, Flying Monkey, makes Rob and me laugh hysterically. Ashleigh will pick up her monkey pal (a small beanie baby monkey) and throw it out of her crib. We will soar it back to her and scream, Flying Monkey! Sound stupid, it really is. However, she laughs and so do we.
d. Ever since we showed her a DVD in the car on our way to North Carolina, she has quickly become obsessed with watching Sesame Street in the car. As soon as we put her in the car, she starts pointing to the DVD player and squealing with delight. I love watching her in the mirror and seeing her smile during funny parts with Big Bird or Elmo.
e. She is slowly becoming a better eater. We found the trick is to let her feed herself.

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