Monday, June 4, 2012

Please go away

Dear Hand Foot Mouth Disease,
You are evil. You have really done a number on my precious princess and ruined a lot of plans. Please go away.

A very unhappy mother

How the ordeal began...

On Saturday, Ashleigh spiked a fever of 103.5. We had just returned home from a baby shower that was 1 hour 1/2 away and I could tell she wasn't herself during the shower. When I got her home, she was HOT! The poor thing was so sick I knew something was wrong. We pumped Tylenol in her and cooled her down with cold cloths. After about an hour, little princess seemed happy. Rob and I both agreed that this had to be connected to her ear/nose problem and we started to count down the hours until her surgery on Friday. On Sunday, Ash and Rob joined me in DC for my work meeting. Ashleigh had a BLAST with Aunt Kelly while Mommy worked hard. As we were packing her up to go home Sunday afternoon, I noticed a few red bumps on her legs and around her lips.

Sunday night was hell. I apologize for venting, but that is the only way I can describe our night. Ashleigh was up EVERY single hour (sometimes 2-3x). The poor thing was so uncomfortable and nothing seemed to relax her. Rob and I both took turns rocking her to sleep and letting her snuggle with us in bed.

On Monday, I had already scheduled to have the day off from work. After a very lonnnnggg semester and working many, many nights and weekends I reviewed my calendar and selected June 4th as "Kristin day." My day and my day only. No fun plans, just a day to catch up. Think cleaning, lots of cleaning, errands, cleaning toilets, etc. Not necessarily a fun day planned, but an important one for me to get "life back on track." After Rob's hectic travel schedule of being on the road Monday-Friday for five weeks straight, I was excited to get the house in order, buy real food, turn on my music real loud and go from the top of the house to the basement carefully cleaning and organizing each room. Enter, Hand Foot Mouth disease...

As I sit here typing this blog at 4:30PM on Monday, all of the laundry still remains in piles, my office looks like we were burglarized, I can't find any clean clothes to wear this week, Rob keeps yelling up the stairs to me about starting dinner soon and I feel as if my head is still spinning of what needs to be done. I had a Mommy melt down earlier and I thank my Mom and Rob for being the shoulder for me to cry on. After making a second and unexpected trip to Giant (forgot my work calendar in the grocery cart) I just lost it. When did life get so hectic? Why won't my princess feel better. Why is her body covered in bumps and ulcers in her mouth? Why is this happening to her after everything she has been through.

Because of this unexpected disease, her surgery is now postponed. Please pray that she is not in pain this week. The Doctor confirmed this afternoon that not only does she have HF&M, but she is in the "starting stages" which means we have a long road ahead of us. Thank you for allowing me to vent my feelings on our family blog and I promise this will not become a habit. :-)

Now off to make dinner and find clean clothes to wear this week!

1 comment:

  1. Todd! I'm just seeing this now. So sorry to hear of this news about AP! Ben and Indi both had HF&M and I know it's just an awful thing to see on your baby. I hope she is feelinh better soon! Thinking of all of you! Sending prayers for a successful surgery.
