Thursday, May 19, 2011

One Month

On May 18th, my baby girl turned one month! I can hardly believe how quick time has gone by. It is also fun to look back and see how far Rob and I have come as parents. I remember the second day home from the hospital, I was terrified to put her down. I felt as if I would constantly have to hold her in fear something would happen. Rob and I would take turns getting things done around the house while the other person would hold her. I also laugh at how protective I was at first with her around the dogs. I even kicked them out of the bedroom each night during the first week she was here. It turns out, everyone is getting along quite famously. Miss Lexi has taken quite a liking to Ashleigh and they are the best of buds. Lexi could be down in the basement and hear her crying in her nursery and sprint up two flights of stairs to "make sure she is ok." Lexi just absolutely adores her!

I don't want to come off as a bragging Mom...BUT I really do feel like I have the perfect daughter. She doesn't cry that often (only when she is hungry...takes after her mother and sometimes during bath time), she can sleep up to 3 1/2 hours at a time and is cute as a button. Rob and I feel like the luckiest people to have her in our lives. Although he doesn't quite agree, I am so ready for Baby #2. LOL I know we will obviously wait and cherish every moment with Ashleigh now, but I just love her so much, I want another one just like her!!!

Susie Homemaker (my new name name from Rob)
If you would have asked me a few months ago if I could ever be a stay home Mom, I would have said, yeah right. Well....a baby can certainly change your view on that. Realistically, I know we can't afford to have me not work, but the thought of returning to work makes me very upset and I actually cry just thinking of that. I have also become quite anal about keeping the house clean. In a weird way, I feel that is my "new job" so I have become an even bigger control freak around the house and get even more upset when items are out of place. I fiinnnnally see what my Mom went through all these years with my sister and I. "Girls, I spent all day cleaning and you just come in from school and toss your book bags/other items all over the house." Sorry Mom (when you are reading this...I am finally getting paid back!)

Overall, the first month was fantastic! We are 110% in love and I feel more confident in my mommy skills, although I still worry about everything! I do finally allow myself to sleep -the first week I would literally stay up at night and make sure she was breathing every minute. I look forward to what the next month will bring for the new and improved Schab Family!

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