Monday, April 4, 2011

Weeks 36/37/38 updates

Well, countdown is so on! I'm technically "full term" and she can make her arrival at any point. My prediction... I think I'll probably go closer to my due date- if not later, so I feel I have another two weeks left in me. The overall update, I feel AMAZING. I don't feel tired and I have soooo much energy (I think it scares Rob). He has to remind me to "slow down" and "talk slower" so he can keep up. Here are some updates from the past few weeks...

Nesting Freak
I'm cleaning/organizing/preparing like a nut (both professionally and at home). By day, I have typed up all of my maternity notes/lesson plans/event plans for work and I am trying to get the house in order at night. If she can give me one more weekend at home to a get a few more items at home accomplished, I would feel more at ease. I have even taken it so far to draft up a "things to do list" for Rob and I and divided it into 4 categories... House/Baby/Rob/Kristin and each night update the list of items that still need to be done. I like to keep us organized!

Breastfeeding/Hospital tour
Both the class and tour went exceptionally well. It was wonderful being able to get a sneak peak of where we would deliver and learn the things we need to know when I do go into labor.

I've been keeping it together pretty well and only had 1-2 "hormonal moments" in the past month. Both make for good stories of course....
I swear my work schedule has been more hectic than ever (thank god I have a lot of energy and feel healthy to keep up with the fast pace/long hours I've been putting in). One night I was a bit drained from work and just wanted to relax at home. Not sure if the girls sense change- but they were really bad and not listening. Rob and I were in the family room and I told the pups it was time to go outside and use the potty. Not sure what their deal was, but no one was listening at all. I would get one dog out and the other would hide. I would get the other one from hiding and the other one would come in. They kept flip and flopping in and out and the more I got frustrated, they would get scared and not listen at all. I finally broke down in tears in front of Rob..."No one is listening to me." LOL - He gave me this look, as if I was insane.

One night, I was having the pregnancy blues and was a bit hormonal. Rob and I were watching TV in bed and he asked what would make me feel better. Feeling a bit hungry, I asked for a cheese and butter sandwich. As I was eating, I was having a "poor me moment" and started to get a bit teary eyed. One minute later, the following commercial came on...

Well, enough said. I lost it! I mean 100% total melt down, cheese coming out of my mouth and uncontrollable sobbing. Absolutely ridiculous, but definitely quite humorous now to look back on.

Other fun pregnancy moments...
a. What happened to my ankles??? It's been about 10 weeks since I have disowned my wedding rings due to swollen fingers, well the same thing has taken over my ankles. If I'm on my feet all day- watch out!
b. OOOO the pressure! Some people say this is a sign the baby may be getting into position (in which case- bring it) but I feel this terrible amount of pressure in my lower region and it actually hurts/stings if I sit/walk a certain way.

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious!!! I remember the pressure VERY well. That was annoying and really uncomfortable. AND the swollen ankles and hands. Almost there!!!
