Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mommy's One Easter Wish

Weeks and even months leading up to Ashleigh's birth, my one wish (including that she was very healthy) was for her to arrive before Easter. Well, Mamma's wish came very much true and I was so excited that she was able to celebrate her first Easter with both sets of families. Even though Rob and I were a bit sleep deprived, we were very much up for hosting Easter at our house. Our families were amazing and took care of all of the cooking/cleaning and I even got to sneak in a quick nap. We are so blessed to have such amazing families who get along so well and enjoy spoiling our new addition.

Ashleigh's mini Easter video...

Maternity Shots

Back in March, my co worker and I were shopping in Target for an upcoming event when I was approached by a stranger who asked me when I was due. She wanted to know how I felt about her taking photos of our newborn. At first, I was a bit skeptical, but than she explained she was a wedding photographer looking to break into the maternity/newborn side of photography. After swapping business cards, I realized she was very much indeed a legit photographer and Rob and I struck lucky! She offered to take both maternity and newborn photos for us. We were in love with everything! She did an AMAZING job, was so wonderful to work with and we can't wait to see the official newborn shots of Ashleigh (the previews she showed us were out of this world!)

Find some of maternity shots below...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week #1 and #2 Reflections

WoW! I can hardly believe we wrapped up almost two weeks of being parents. I am so incredibly in love with our little one and truly love everything involved with being a parent. This past Monday was a bit rough and I was dreading being by myself for the first time since she was born, but I have to admit, Ash and I have developed a nice little routine and I am starting to learn more and more about her personality as each day passes. I love being at home with her and our special time together. I am already dreading the day I have to return to work :-(

I feel I am a bit behind on updating how the first two weeks have been, so I will try to include answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Ashleigh Paige was born at 3:45AM. She was 19 1/2 inches long and weighed 7lbs 9oz. Her weight when she left the hospital was 6lbs 12 oz and when we returned for a follow up appointment a week later, she was back up to her birth weight. Her next appointment is at the end of May.

New "human" buddy
As predicted, the dogs are adjusting well to their new roomie/friend. Actually, Lexi has become quite attached to her. She will constantly follow me around when I feed, change, and diaper her. If she begins to cry, Lexi will run over to her and check to see what is wrong and will start to give kisses. It took Porscha a few days to finally feel comfortable. The first couple of days, she didn't touch her food and would hide underneath the bed. She is doing much better now.

Dirty Diapers!
I have to admit, the first few days in the hospital/at home, I somehow avoided changing her diaper. Between all of our family members, nurses and an eager dad, I just never had the 'opportunity' to help in that area... LOL Well, now that we are at home and I no longer have the nurses button (or the easy button as I referred to it in the hospital) and Rob away at work, I have become quite the pro at changing diapers! For the record, she is an excellent pooper and I get very excited to know that she is eating so well!

Got Milk?
Yes, mamma has plenty of that! I actually am very lucky that I have great milk supply and she approves as well! So far she has been a good eater! During the day, she prefers to eat every two hours (which can be very exhausting at times) and at night, she can last closer to three hours.

Got Sleep?
Overall, Rob and I are very, very lucky in this area. The first night at home was extremely rough- mostly because I forced myself to stay up. I would literally stare at her and make sure she was still breathing every minute. By night #3, I relaxed a bit and tried to sleep when she did. However, she is a very content baby. There are some nights, she will go 3 hours (one night even close to 4 hours) without making a peep! At this time, she sleeps in a rock and sleeper next to our bed, I am not quite ready to put her in her crib.

Weighty Issues
Of course you are going to get asked this question and I'll be honest with numbers. To date, I have lost 26lbs (I think I gained around 30lbs throughout the pregnancy). I still have some additional weight I would love to shed (7 more lbs would be ideal), my goal is to get down to pre-Aruba weight.

As I reflect back on our time together so far, it doesn't seem real that she was still in my belly about two weeks ago. Rob and I are on Cloud 9 and just ooo and ahhh over every little thing she does. "Rob, look how she sleeps with her mouth wide open." "Awww, look at her face when we do bath time." I have also learned a lot about myself and my marriage over this short amount of time as well. I am extremely lucky to have such an amazing husband and I feel Ashleigh has brought us even closer. I always thought Rob and I were a good team before, but juggling a new baby, you really bond on a much higher level. I feel we were up for the challenge and our love for one another has only grown stronger. Not to get ahead of ourselves, but we have already talked about our timeline for baby #2. :-) We are just so in love with Ashleigh and I can't imagine life without her!

Some humorous parental moments...
a. Rob and I were downstairs on the couch talking when I looked down at his hand...yep, he had some poop on it. (eww)
b. I have never been so drenched in my life- between the spit up and my 'feeding utensils' leaking milk, I wake up each morning a wet mess!
c. Lady like manners not so much... my poor daughter farts like its her job! I feel horrible even typing this, but girlfriend has some gas issues! There is definitely something so innocent and pure about a newborn making those "noises." We can't help but chuckle when she "toots."

Ashleigh Paige (one week videos)

Find some videos below from Ashleigh's first week...

A video clip after her photo shoot at the hospital (not a happy camper)...

Ashleigh's Tour of her nursery by Daddy Schab...

First Day at home (4-20-11) and meeting Lexi

Friday, April 22, 2011

If there are no cars...GO!

So our princess has arrived! On April 18th, 2011 at 3:45AM, Ashleigh Paige Schab made her famous debut. In true Kristin nature, there is quite the 'story' behind her birth. I apologize ahead of time for the lengthy blog and for any parts that are "TMI" but here is how she entered the world...

Before you read the blog, please view the famous YouTube clip, David After Dentist below. Why you may ask? One reason, the video is hilarious. Two, please pay careful attention to the part at 55seconds-1 minute. I will be making reference to it in the blog.

Sunday evening ended how any normal Sunday for us would be. Rob got home from his part time job around 9PM, we caught up about our days, I nagged on him for leaving some groceries on the counter and we called both families to discuss our food plans for Easter and delegated who would bring what. Around 10:30PM, we crawled in bed and set our alarms for the Monday work day.

Monday, April 18th

I woke up to use the bathroom (which was certainly not uncommon for me during this pregnancy) when I noticed I peed a bit more than usual, felt a weird sensation in my stomach and noticed it was mostly clear. Hmmm, that is weird I thought- but didn't think much of it. It didn't seem like that much came out for my "water to break", so I went back to bed and decided to monitor how I felt. Not wanting to come off as the dramatic wife, I decided not to say anything to Rob until I felt something else.


Ouch! Felt my first official contraction. Start the baby class they told us to monitor the contractions and to call at 5-1-1. Since I was only feeling them about 10+ minutes apart- I laid in bed and tried to relax. After my second one, I finally woke up Rob. I explained it was probably Braxton Hicks, but lets start timing them. Although Rob was absolutely amazing during the whole birthing experience, this was his only one area he fell short. He fell back asleep when he was suppose to be logging my contractions and during one part when I asked him for the time of my previous one- he was way off.

Making the call...

After seeing some blood after using the bathroom, I thought this would be a good time to call the Doctor. Talk about being so nervous making the call! I felt incredibly ditzy on the phone! When they connected me to the Doctor - I started babbling like a nervous person. What symptoms are you feeling he asked? "Well, I think my water broke. I think my contractions are 10minutes apart. I think I had some bloody show." I didn't sound extremely confident in my answers and he said to only come in when the contractions are closer together (5-6 minutes apart). I asked Rob to start me a bath and help me relax...this could be a lonnnnggg process I told him, so lets wait it out before we go in.

This time frame is quite the blur. Sometime, after taking a short bath, I started to scream in pain. I immediately knew this was the real thing. I am definitely going into labor! During this hour span, the contractions got out of control! I was in so much pain and started screaming bloody murder. I decided to jump in the shower before we headed to the hospital and that is when it happened. The contractions went from 10+minutes apart to maybe 5 minutes to 2-3 minutes. I also started to have this weird sensation that I needed to push, almost as if I needed to use the "bathroom." During my screams in the shower, Rob had packed the car, started the car and came in to get me. I was in so much pain it probably took a good 10minutes for him to help me get changed, brush my teeth and walk me downstairs. I would have to take breaks in between steps due to the amount of pain I was in. Rob was amazing and got the dogs downstairs (he had to grab Porscha from underneath the bed because she was so scared from all of the screaming taking place). As I waited for Rob on the porch as he closed up shop, I had another contraction. I was clutching our porch post and screaming for him to please hurry up. We hopped into the car and off we went.

The loonnnggest car ride of my life!

I was in so much pain that I could not sit properly in the car. I basically was on my knees in a backwards position clutching the seat while Rob held a firm grip on my back as we drove. Every minute I would ask, "How close? Are we there?" About 6 minutes into our 20-25 minute drive to the hospital, I hear Rob go, "Oh, no." Yep, not what you want to hear when you are in labor. The entrance to I83 (the main highway) was shut down due to an accident. Let me just take a quick pause to thank God for not letting us leave any earlier than we did, not getting stuck on that road or being a part of that accident which occurred about 1/2 hour before we tried to enter I83. I also continue to pray for the two that were seriously injured in that accident. It is very scary to think about and I actually still struggle daily with this "what if" scenario.

Rob took some backroads and we were eventually able to enter I83 at another part. This is where I had my first "D.a.D.m" (David After Dentist Moment). All of a sudden I let out another murderous scream and cried to Rob to get me there as quick as he could. Sometime after we exited 83, I felt our car stop at a red light. I turn to Rob and said in a devilish voice, "If there are no cars, than GO!"

We pulled up to the hospital (we aren't 100% sure of exact time, but it was near 3:25/3:30am). Luckily a nurse was leaving the building as we were entering and had the security officer open the main doors and brought out a wheel chair for me. As Rob was rolling me through the main lobby, I had another "D.a.D.m." This one was by far the loudest and I wonder what the poor security officer thought as I cried bloody murder in the lobby? At one point, I actually got up on my knees on the wheel chair to face the opposite way. After getting 'lost' looking for the elevator for a brief moment, we were making our way up to the labor wing.

As soon as we got off the elevator and I made eye contact with the person working the reception desk, I started shouting, "Schab, Schab, Schab is here." Thinking I "called ahead" - I didn't want to delay any more. Two nurses greeted us and had Rob roll me into a room and at this point, my legs started to violent shake in the wheel chair. I kept telling the nurse, I feel as if I'm going to poop, I feel like I have to poop (I apologize if this offends anyone, but modesty has gone out the window for sure!) She immediately goes, "Get into the bed now." I basically took off my pants, but still had on my shirt and bra. She checked me internally and turns to Rob, both calmly, but urgently, "Rob, push the red button, push it now." It turns out, she was paging everyone to let them know, this was go time. She tells me, I am fully dilated and ready to go. In between the labor pains, I tell her that I am going to be needing an epidural. She shakes her head no. I ask again and basically plead to her, "No, you don't understand, I can't do this. I need an epidural!"

The next few minutes were a blur. I basically remember having two nurses hold my legs, looking up to see the Dr scrubbing in, Rob on my one side and everyone telling me to "PUSH." I am not sure how long I pushed for, it couldn't have been more than 5-7 minutes, when I felt this sensation and knew she arrived. Again, the following minutes were a blur as well. I remember shaking, pushing out the "after birth", getting a shot in my leg (there wasn't enough time to give me an IV) and I kept asking if she was ok. At one point, they put her on my chest so we could bond. I was shaking uncontrollably and was more concerned that they gave her the attention she needed. Due to the "quickness" of her birth, she did have some fluid in her lungs and she was going to be wheeled off for observation. I told Rob to go with her and make sure she is ok. While Ashleigh and Daddy went to get checked on, the nurse had to do my "official paperwork." Yes, the paperwork "before" you are admitted. After what seemed like a lifetime, I was finally able to get wheeled off and bond more with our little lady.

Additional posts will document her first couple of days and we will definitely be adding many photos and videos!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Updates in photos...

Week 37 Belly Shot

A few nursery updates

Week 38 Belly Shot

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weeks 36/37/38 updates

Well, countdown is so on! I'm technically "full term" and she can make her arrival at any point. My prediction... I think I'll probably go closer to my due date- if not later, so I feel I have another two weeks left in me. The overall update, I feel AMAZING. I don't feel tired and I have soooo much energy (I think it scares Rob). He has to remind me to "slow down" and "talk slower" so he can keep up. Here are some updates from the past few weeks...

Nesting Freak
I'm cleaning/organizing/preparing like a nut (both professionally and at home). By day, I have typed up all of my maternity notes/lesson plans/event plans for work and I am trying to get the house in order at night. If she can give me one more weekend at home to a get a few more items at home accomplished, I would feel more at ease. I have even taken it so far to draft up a "things to do list" for Rob and I and divided it into 4 categories... House/Baby/Rob/Kristin and each night update the list of items that still need to be done. I like to keep us organized!

Breastfeeding/Hospital tour
Both the class and tour went exceptionally well. It was wonderful being able to get a sneak peak of where we would deliver and learn the things we need to know when I do go into labor.

I've been keeping it together pretty well and only had 1-2 "hormonal moments" in the past month. Both make for good stories of course....
I swear my work schedule has been more hectic than ever (thank god I have a lot of energy and feel healthy to keep up with the fast pace/long hours I've been putting in). One night I was a bit drained from work and just wanted to relax at home. Not sure if the girls sense change- but they were really bad and not listening. Rob and I were in the family room and I told the pups it was time to go outside and use the potty. Not sure what their deal was, but no one was listening at all. I would get one dog out and the other would hide. I would get the other one from hiding and the other one would come in. They kept flip and flopping in and out and the more I got frustrated, they would get scared and not listen at all. I finally broke down in tears in front of Rob..."No one is listening to me." LOL - He gave me this look, as if I was insane.

One night, I was having the pregnancy blues and was a bit hormonal. Rob and I were watching TV in bed and he asked what would make me feel better. Feeling a bit hungry, I asked for a cheese and butter sandwich. As I was eating, I was having a "poor me moment" and started to get a bit teary eyed. One minute later, the following commercial came on...

Well, enough said. I lost it! I mean 100% total melt down, cheese coming out of my mouth and uncontrollable sobbing. Absolutely ridiculous, but definitely quite humorous now to look back on.

Other fun pregnancy moments...
a. What happened to my ankles??? It's been about 10 weeks since I have disowned my wedding rings due to swollen fingers, well the same thing has taken over my ankles. If I'm on my feet all day- watch out!
b. OOOO the pressure! Some people say this is a sign the baby may be getting into position (in which case- bring it) but I feel this terrible amount of pressure in my lower region and it actually hurts/stings if I sit/walk a certain way.