Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Practice 101

The weekend after New Years, Rob and I drove down to visit our good couple friends Jaclyn and Mike. They just recently had a baby in November and we were so excited to meet Baby Collin and our future son-n-law (yes we have already planned an arranged marriage). Collin was absolutely too cute for words. What a GOOD baby! He hardly cried and was so darn adorable and happy. However, he did teach us a few lessons and gave us a nice preview of what we can look 'forward' to in a few months...

A few minutes after we arrived, Jaclyn goes, "Uh oh, I think someone has a poopy diaper." Rob turns to me and goes, "I would take of your jacket, follow Jaclyn and take some notes." I know he meant it in the most loving way. Trust me when I say this, Rob will definitely be not the type to push all diaper changes on me. I know he will be very, very hands on. The reason he was giving me the nudge to "observe" was (please don't judge me), I have only changed a handful of diapers in my lifetime. All of the children I babysat for were potty trained and I didn't have any young cousins/relatives that I could learn from. Sooooo unlike my expert husband who is a pro at changing diapers, I have A LOT to learn. Well, Collin's diaper proved to be a good test. It was considered a "blow out." Poor Jaclyn had poop on her outfit and had to change. So picture this, all four of us in his room as we watched her change the diaper. I got sight of the 'evidence' and I started dry heaving! So embarrassing...I had to leave the room! Thank goodness, Rob and I have registered for baby classes (which will start in February) and they did ask us to bring a stuffed animal and diaper to practice.

Later that night, Rob was holding Collin (again, talk about a pro at work)- he is such a natural. Rob was rocking him, giving him kisses, making him laugh- so cute to watch! Well, as I was admiring his natural ability, I spotted something on Rob's fleece. I started shrieking, "Oh my god, oh my god, don't move. It's ok, everything will be ok." Yes, I was freaking out because Collin spit up on Rob. Rob didn't even flinch or care and I ran upstairs to get a paper towel to clean him up.

Besides the blow out and the spit up, seeing Jaclyn and Mike with Collin made me so excited for her arrival. Yes, I understand I will have my fair share of diaper changes and will probably have to change my outfits a few times a day, but I am still so excited to see what the future will bring. Thank god for this blog, because this time next year, I am sure I will look back at chuckle at my lack of knowledge in this area and how far I have come.

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