Thursday, April 27, 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Charli Birthday Party III

Charli Birthday Party II

Charli Birthday Party

Charli Lynn Turns One

Charli Lynn One Year Stats

Height: 28.5"
Weight: 18lb 8 oz (20%)

She weighs about one full pound more than AP and B at this age. I believe the height is consistent with the other girls.

Yep, no problem there. C loves to eat!

She is pretty consistent... in bed before 8AM and awake at 6:30AM/7AM

Charli Lynn Turns One

Charli Baby,
Where did this past year go? It seems just like yesterday I held you at the hospital for the first time. Your birth story is quite simple... Mommy was walking around at 4cm for three weeks and they planned an induction at 39 weeks. On the morning of St Patty's Day... Mommy and Daddy waited anxiously for the phone call to come in and start labor. Since I was already nesting like crazy that whole month, there really wasn't any more cleaning I could possibly do. Even watching House of Cards did not relax me either... I was pacing around the house waiting to go in. Finally, I received the green light at about 3PM that they were ready!

At 4PM, we were admitted to the hospital and it was the longest process in the world! I didn't get anything to start labor until 7PM! It was a lot of sitting around and waiting! The epidural was incredibly scary and Mommy's blood pressure dropped really, really, really low. In fact, I remember looking at Daddy and thinking 'good luck' doing this all on your own- Mommy didn't think she was going to live! :-)

The Doctor broke Mommy's water, but your head acted like a cork and nothing happened! Usually, the water breaking is the deal maker, but you stayed in! Shortly after midnight, I finally felt my water break and quickly after that I was ready to push! You missed being a St. Patty's baby by 44 minutes! I pushed for just a few minutes and out you came! We had incredible kangaroo time for 2 hours straight and it was amazing! The sissys came the next day and they have loved you from day one. It was truly love at first sight for everyone.

Charli baby, fast forward one year... you are WILD. I don't know if you are learning tricks from your older sisters, but you are NUTS. You don't like to sit still and you love climbing on everything! I love you so much and I am so excited to see you grow this next year and learn new tricks. You are also my little chunky monkey! You LOVE to eat... you probably eat more than both sisters combined. You fall in the 20% tile, but I definitely notice that you are bigger than AP and B at this age. Keeping eating little lady, because you are also a great sleeper now! xooxox

Love you my little Charli Lynn!