Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Christmas 2016

Charli Lynn: Nine month stats

Charli had her nine month appointment in December! Stats below!

15lb 11.5oz (10% tile)
# of teeth
2 - two front teeth
She enjoys eating meats, puffs, pasta, veggies and fruits. She loves feeding herself and gets very "hangry" if you stop giving her food!

Personality Traits

ON THE MOVE...she is squirmy and always on the go. She rarely ever sits still, is able to stand by herself and is curious about everything! She loves playing with her toys and big sister. It is so adorable to see all of the girls play together. Charli definitely is the little princess of the family and the older sisters do a great job taking care of her! She does well sleeping at night and had her first ear infection in early January. 

In comparison....
2014: Brooklyn had her nine month appointment this week, here are her stats...
27" (20% tile)
16lb 4 oz (12% tile)
# of teeth
3 - two front teeth and one upper tooth on the side

In 2012: Ashleigh had her nine month appointment today, here are her stats...

26 1/2" (14% tile)
15lb 3 oz (5% tile)
# of teeth
4 - two front teeth and two upper teeth on the sides (yes, she looks like a vampire at times)