Monday, July 29, 2013

Feeding Time!

Brooklyn has started eating rice cereal this month and AP was very eager to assist!

The Park with AP

Monday, July 15, 2013

AP's Date Night!

B Turns Four Months!

Brooklyn's Four Month Interview

Height: 24 1/4" (30% tile)
Weight: 12lbs 6oz (12% tile)

Just for fun...(Ashleigh at the same age)
Height: 24 1/4"
Weight: 12lbs 4oz

My Mommy thinks I eat a lot like how my sister did. I like to 'graze' and not eat a lot at one sitting. I started to eat rice cereal! The majority of the food spills out of my mouth, but my Mommy and Daddy think I look so cute trying to eat!

I like to get up again in the middle of the night! I was sleeping long stretches a few weeks ago, but that has stopped. It's fun waking up at all hours of the night!

Sisterly Love
I adore my big sister and she adores me! I love to stare at her when she plays and laugh when she gets real close to me.

I love sitting in my activity chair every day!
I love it when my Mommy tickles my toes!
Bath time with my sister!