Monday, April 30, 2012

Ashleigh the bully?!?!

My heart broke today... I received this following g chat message from my good friend and co-worker, Sara. Her adorable little boy, Cooper, attends the same school as Ashleigh.

Sara:  Gotcha
Did you hear about our little one's mini tift last Thursday?!
 me:  noooo???
 Sara:  LOL....I guess AP was a little crabby and she shoved Cooper because he was in her way, hahahaha
 me:  Whatttt?!?!?
 Sara:  And Coop took it well. He totally understood

But she looks so sweet and innocent!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Aren't you glad Ashleigh is here?
Otherwise, you would be seeing us featured in every post instead!

One Year Old!

From Baby Center:
Your baby has hit the 1-year mark: Happy birthday! Many view the first birthday as the toddler turning point. Others consider your baby a toddler as soon as he starts walking – or, as the case may be, taking his first tentative steps. However and whenever he crosses the line into toddlerhood, it's a bittersweet transition – you miss your little baby even as you delight in your amazing child.  

How big? year stats
Height: 28"

Weight: 17lbs 8 oz

Ashleigh is walking all around the house and into EVERYTHING! We understand now why child proofing is so important! She is an absolute delight and we love watching her personality grow each day. She is starting to 'scream' when she is frustrated or isn't getting her way. We thought at first (since we are new at this), that "Oh my gosh, something is wrong!!! Why is she screaming during dinner time??" Well, we quickly realized that she is fine and would rather get up and play. She is also very, very clingy as well. She needs either Mommy or Daddy around her at all times. As stated in previous posts, this makes my morning routine a bit more difficult if she wakes up before I do. It is very hard to shower or get ready when you hear your little angel screaming for you.

It's Sleep Sleep Time (or not)
Ashleigh is by far the worst sleeper! Again, we are new at this, but are some what confident that someone her age does not still get up two times a night. Yes, her 'lack of sleep' is really taking a toll on us, but when you pick up her screaming body and look into her pure and innocent eyes at 2:00 am - how could you possibly be upset?!?

Best Friends
She loves dogs. Plain and simple- her "doggies" are her buddies. She loves to watch them and has started to learn how to "feed" them as well. She will sit in her high chair and throw food onto the floor for them. Winning situation for all parties involved. She will also "point" and squeal when she sees a dog. 

She also has a "pal" named Lady Bug friend. Who knew a simple $7 toy at Target would quickly become her buddy and now goes everywhere with her. Lady Bug did take an unexpected swim in a doggie dish over at Easter, but a simple bath in our washing machine did the trick!

Ashleigh is doing much better and we hope this is the ongoing trend. She has battled ear infections in February and an going runny, runny nose. We think it could be a sinus infection and she has an appointment with the ENT in May. We also had our first scare before her first birthday party and made an unexpected trip to the ER. She spiked a fever (close to 104) and I (being new at this) was petrified that something serious was wrong. The fever lasted on and off for a few days and some antibiotics and Motrin did the trick.

Future predictions: gymnast or athlete

I think because she is so tiny, it is easy for her to climb everything in sight. 

See, I'm a perfect angel when I eat food in my high chair...
Ashleigh and her Lady Bug friend
Beautiful Birthday Girl
If you see this adorable face up at 2AM, kindly tell her it's time for sleep sleep time...
The license plate says it all, Happy Birthday my sweet princess!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Birthday Princess!

A celebration with just the three of us at home!

Opening gifts from Mommy and Daddy 
Such a little lady!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Looking Back...The First Year

Birth (4-18-11)
One Week
One Month
Two Months
Three Months
Four Months
Five Months
Six Months
Seven Months
Eight Months
Nine Months
Ten Months
Eleven Months
One Year


Eleven Month Video Interview

Monday, April 16, 2012

One year ago...

One year ago today, a beautiful girl was still waiting patiently to make her arrival...

It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012 Videos

Two Easters in One Year!

Ashleigh was lucky enough to celebrate two Easter holidays before she turned one. What a difference a year makes!

Easter 2012 in Long Island