Monday, October 18, 2010
14 weeks and counting...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Hello 2nd Trimester!
Baby Schab looking stylish at Week #13
Fun Kristin Pregnancy Moments at Week #13
a. Future appointments.... we will find out the sex on 11-22-10 at 1PM and YES we definitely want to know!
b. I HATE CRACKERS- no more please! I love eating green apples now when I feel nauseous at night.
c. We spent a good part of the week calling family and friends to share the news.
d. Last night marked the first time (at least that I remember) asking Rob to get me food at 3AM in the morning. I felt sick earlier in the night and didn't eat a lot of dinner, so on top of feeling a bit ill, I woke up starving! Not to mention, it was thundering and lightning outside and I was scared to go downstairs by myself. He didn't complain at all, when I tapped him saying I was hungry, he rolls out of bed and goes, "Green apples and cold water?" Gosh- he is truly the best and I am the luckiest pregnant wife ever!
So even though Rob and I were on Cloud 9 all night after out appointment, we certainly didn't forget about our other two children, Porscha and Lexi. After our ultrasound, we dashed home and loaded them up in the car for their yearly vet appointment. We had switched vets earlier this year to be closer to our house (so this was a new office for them). Even though it was the same direction as the doggie park, Porscha wasn't buying it. She was fine walking up to the door and hanging in the lobby, but the moment they called us back, she refused to go into the tiny check-up room. It was too funny, Rob had to actually carry her in (all 35lbs) and then she ended up hiding behind his legs like a scared small child. An hour and $550 later, the girls got the clean bill of health with the exception of Porscha's right ear. She has an infection and needed two different kinds of drops and oral medicine. Porscha is definitely the biggest drama queen you will ever meet when it comes to shots (she takes after her mother). They took her in the back to have more people hold her down and Rob and I could hear her yelping from inside the room and heard the Dr. say, "I haven't even given you the shot yet?" Later that evening, Lexi ate an entire portion of noodles off of Rob's dinner plate when he left the room and so nicely threw it up every where in the family room. We just paid hundreds of dollars to make sure they were healthy and then she makes herself sick off of noodles! Despite the high bill and making a scene in the vets office with Porscha's dramatic ways, I just love them so much and I hope they are just as excited to meet Baby Schab as we are! Baby Bootcamp in preperation of Baby Schab has started already! Our two ladies
Ms. Noodle not feeling too hot
Telling the Grandparents the news.... (future great grandparents)
I was able to tell my Grandma in person since she lives so close. After telling her the good news, we enjoyed a lovely girls day out and she bought me a maternity dress from Old Navy.
Scene: My Mom was "pretending to learn to take video clips" and wanted to test out my camera. I told Grandma Summers I got photos back from Aruba and wanted to share them with her.
We were unable to tell Rob's Grandma and Grandpa in person since we won't see them until Thanksgiving. However, we wanted to capture the special moment on video so we put them on speaker phone and I taped their "audio reactions." The video is quite long and a tad hard to hear at some parts, but definitely very funny. Unfortunately, the video cut off at one of the funniest parts. Rob's Grandmother asked when I started to feel sick and Rob told her when we got home from Aruba. She said laughing and going "Ooooooo, that is powerful water down in Aruba." LOL
Monday, October 4, 2010
Save the date, April 2011...We're going to Mexico!
Telling my sister...
Telling Kelly was a bit more impromptu then we planned. Kelly was leaving for DC a week after we found out, so we decided to tell her sooner than expected. Since I told her spur of the moment, I didn't do anything creative, but her expression/reaction was too cute! She was definitely surprised!
Telling my Mom the news...
The original plan was to tell my parents together. However, a few things went unexpected that day and I told her earlier that afternoon before my Dad got home.
Telling my Dad the news...
We told the news to my Dad the same day as my Mom, but just later in the day. It was funny because he just got home from a trip with Rob and he was very ready to start driving back home. I was nervous all day and the minute he walked into our house, he was like, "Ok Peg, lets go." Luckily we convinced him to stay an extra few minutes so Rob could give me my "birthday gift."
Telling the Schab Family...
We told Rob's family during Labor Day weekend when they came down to visit. Unfortunately, his brothers were unable to make it, so we could only surprise his Mom, Dad and sister with the news. If you listen real carefully, his Mom goes, "Hopefully, you're not going in April." Right before Rob gave me the gift, she said she was trying to organize a family vacation around Easter 2011 (Opps...) Luckily, once she heard the baby news, she was totally fine about re-scheduling!